Tuesday, July 10, 2018

This Month's Dialogue with the Board

I woke up this morning wondering, "How it could possibly be July?"  It seems like school just dismissed and now it is time for registration and making final preparations for the 2018-2019 school year. The district has been a busy place this summer with the expansion of our summer camps, our athletic camps, and training, the transition of leaders in new roles and filling staff positions. It has been busy, but clearly good things are happening.

There were a few different matters before the Board Monday evening that will help with the transition to the start of the year.  Several personnel decisions were approved including hiring bus drivers, a teacher, and some coaching positions. There were also a few internal transfers.
Making these transitions and filling these positions will contribute to making Shenandoah CSD a great place to be in 2018-2019.

I was really pleased Lindsey Lundgren will be returning to our staff as a Science Teacher at the Middle School and High School. She previously taught Agriculture courses at the High School. Liz Skillern has agreed to serve as the assistant coach of the High School Boys Track Team. She has coached track for Essex CSD for many years so it will be great to see her back in maroon next spring.

The public hearing for the approval of the Flexible Funding Resolution was really important for the District.  The Board's approval of this resolution allows the District to shift unspent categorical funds to pay for any Board designated expense. Categorical funds are restricted in purpose; there are tight limitations on how the funds can be spent. There was a recent change in Iowa Code which makes it possible for the adoption of a board resolution allowing for unspent balances in some areas to be repurposed at the end of a fiscal year. We have taken the time to evaluate where this flexibility will benefit the District the most and agreed to repurpose the funds to pay for some of the additional preschool expenses we had during the 2017-2018 school year.  This decision helps the district reduce general fund expenses which helps the District maintain a strong spending authority. This type of action contributes to making the District financially sound.

The Board also approved handbooks for licensed teachers, support staff, and coaches.  These are important documents as the contents guide and direct the management of the district. I appreciate the staff members who participated in discussions about the handbooks and the work that was done to make revisions.  It was good work. There were some minor changes to the meal policy and wellness policy that will be on the board agenda the next few months as they are reading at least two meetings prior to being finalized.  

Shenandoah CSD is a member of the Iowa Association of School Boards.  This is a group that provides training, support, and legal advocacy for school districts across the state.  The Board approved the legislative priorities for this next school year. You can view them here. This is important work for the Board to consider.  We need to advocate for legislative policy that will improve Education in Iowa and also contribute to the local district.  I appreciate Adam Van Der Vliet's willingness to serve as the Board's delegate at the IASB's Convention in November.  Jean Fichter has indicated she will be attending the convention as well. 

The two discussion items this month included the Instructional Support Levy and facility planning.  Instructional Support Levy is not something that is discussed on a frequent basis as it is only board authorized every five years.  It is isn't a new or additional levy.  The levy has been in place for 20 years.   There will be a public hearing for the Instructional Support Levy held on August 15th at 5:00 PM at Shenandoah CSD Administration Building's Board Room.

What is the Instructional Support Levy?

The Instructional Support Levy is available to schools to increase the spending authority of the  General Fund, which is the primary fund that supports teaching and learning for our students. It can be supported through a minimal addition to the local property levy rate and through income surtax. The levy cannot be totally funded with income surtax. The levy can be established by board resolution for 5 years or approved by the voters for up to 10 years. If passed, the spending authority allows the district to continue to offer a comprehensive program for students. The Shenandoah CSD's leadership has been managing levies in an effort to maintain a reasonable tax rate while delivering excellent teaching, appropriate staff levels, strong programming and expanded learning opportunities for our students. 
Why does the Shenandoah Community School District need the Instructional Support Levy?

Shenandoah CSD could not continue to offer the current level of programming for students without additional spending authority. The current levy is a combination of 6% property tax and 4% income surtax. It generates between $500,000 and $600,000 for the district, to be used for books, supplies, staffing needs and programming support. Without the funding from the levy, the District would need to make large reductions in staff and programs that our students need for their academic success and the district needs for accreditation purposes.  

The Board previously discussed the facility plan at a work session but is starting to put the wheels in motion to renovate the existing high school to support more Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) instruction and build an addition for Career Technical Education (CTE).  This is not a new conversation for the Board. We have taken the time to evaluate our existing facilities, dream a bit and then consider what is realistic and necessary. We want this to be well done. Board members will be visiting a similar facility in Columbus, Nebraska in August. 

Part of the facility plan pointed to several concerns about using the cottage at the Bus Barn as it is not ADA accessible and there are a number of issues with the building.  There are plans in place to demolish the building and provide a different area for the drivers in the shop building.  

We had a good and productive meeting this month.  I look forward to meeting with the Board again at our next meeting. The August Board meeting will be on the 15th at 5:00 PM which is a Wednesday.  

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...