Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Guest Authors Maci Slater & Cambre Millikan

Last week I had the opportunity to visit with Mrs. Perry’s Middle School Digital Stream class about different types of communication and the impact of social media and blogs. It was fun to talk a little bit about some of the generational differences in how social media is used. While they love to Snapchat, it is just not my thing.  I was so impressed with this group of students that I agreed to allow them to be the author of a guest blog that I would publish for them. I hope you will enjoy their article and hear their voice.

Shenandoah Middle School Supports Stomp Out Bullying Day
By: Digital Stream
Maci Slater and Cambre Millikan

Bullying is just one of many topics covered by the Digital Stream class taught at the Middle School. This class strives to report in a responsible manner the events happening throughout the 5-8 building, then connecting those events to the world. To do this students are taught skills in how to write, usage of multiple types of technology, various forms of reporting techniques, how to become a leader, and the skills of perseverance and grit. The class works together as a team to brainstorm coverage topics, then they divide and conquer to produce those topics on the Pony Express.

Bullying happens on and off school campuses, and Shenandoah Community Schools would like to take a proactive stand to help alleviate the causes and effects of bullying. If you saw all of the people wearing blue on Monday, October 1st, you may have wondered why. The month of October is designated as National Bullying Awareness month. To show support in trying to educate and bring an awareness to what bullying can do to a person, Shenandoah Middle School participated in national Stomp Out Bullying Day by wearing blue. Students were encouraged to dress in blue to say, “YES to accepting others ... NO MATTER™ what they look like, their race, their beliefs, or their sexual orientation or gender, and YES to becoming responsible and kind digital citizens” (STOMPOut Bullying.org). Middle School Student Council also provided an assembly that day titled Bullying, depicting why a person bullies, how to respond to a bully, what to do if you are bullied, and how you can help if you see someone being bullied.

If kids see somebody being bullied, then they can try to take the kid out of the situation and take them to a safe place where the bully will not try to hurt them anymore. Schools can have classes and programs that teach kids about bullying and that it can really hurt kids. If you are the one being bullied, Kate Lantz, Student Council President provides this advice, “Definitely tell an adult or a teacher to make sure that the problem can get resolved.”

The next time you see someone being the victim of a bully, do not be a bystander. Ask yourself, “How can I help, what can I do to help stop this situation?” Here at Shenandoah Middle School we aim to Stomp Out Bullying by building a positive, supportive culture where bullying is not acceptable.

You may click here to see pictures of Stomp Out Bullying Day at Shenandoah Middle School.x

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...