Saturday, January 19, 2019

Board News...

The first meeting of the year for the Shenandoah CSD school board was Monday, January 14th.  We listened to a terrific board presentation by Mrs. Skillern and her students who participate in her robotics class at the High School.  This presentation was a great way to start the year with the board as it all about great teaching and learning.  It also ties directly to one of our board goals and priorities which is to expand STEM literacy for all students.

STEM learning is becoming a strong part of the district's curriculum. We are continually looking for ways to embed STEM learning across all
aspects of the curriculum and to provide more extended learning opportunities with a STEM focus for students that will provide deeper levels of understanding in these areas. You may want to look for STEM opportunities when you sign up your student up for afterschool camps and summer programs provided by the district. It is a great way to for students to dig in and participating in hands-on learning, be creative, and strengthen their knowledge and skills in this area.  As a side note, I am very pleased there is a new club starting in the Shenandoah community called Girls Who Code.  Bekkah Lyman, the group leader, lives in Shenandoah and has a strong background in this area. She will be an excellent mentor for girls who are interested in coding and technology-related fields of work.

There was a great audience in attendance at the board meeting.  This was in part due to the student presentation and also due to the action item on the agenda related to the retirement incentive that is being offered this spring. Up to 10 members of our staff will be able to retire and receive a financial incentive from the district to do so.  I was quite pleased the board unanimously approved the retirement incentive recommendation.  It is a nice recognition and reward for some of our staff members who have served the district long term. It will also be beneficial for the district from a financial perspective.

There were several consent agenda items and contracts that were approved at the meeting as well.  The board did approve the district's request for the At-Risk/Dropout Prevention service plan and Modified Supplemental Amount ($261,868). The lights at the football field were on the agenda as a discussion item.  Mr. Roger's shared the projected cost of replacing the lights is $230,000 which I have recommended we pay using our PPEL funds. There will be a board hearing on February 1st, 2019 at 10:00 AM before the board takes action to make the purchase.

Facility planning was the major topic of our work session.  This was a very productive discussion that I believe will help focus our efforts. I shared with the board the three phases or components of the work that is necessary.  The first phase includes major repairs to the high school building using PPEL and SAVE funds that can be completed over 36 months. This includes some items such as the fire alarms systems at the K-8 and High School, replacing the windows and wall panels at the high school and the football field lights.  This work will be completed starting this spring going into the fall.

Additionally, I have talked quite a bit about the need to replace the HVAC system at the High School. The replacement of the HVAC system is tentatively scheduled for next summer along with some of the masonry work. These are very important building improvements need to be completed and cannot be further delayed.

There has been ample discussion about the career technical education & STEM center and gym with community access as part of the facility planning.  This work is considered phase two and phase three of the plan. These two items would add a lot of value to the district, and are considered important and desirable for the district to have.  However, to build these buildings will require an additional levy in the form of a bond issue. We commissioned a study of our facilities, we have visited different schools sites, held work sessions, met with small focus groups, and discussed with our staff about the need for a career technical education & STEM center and gym with community access. We are forming a committee to vet the planning and get additional feedback. We will begin to hold public meetings this spring with the intention of being prepared for a November bond issue.  Using this timeline does not  delay the plan as most of the work that needs to be done in the high school must be done before launching to any new construction.

It was a good meeting with a quality discussion.

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

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