Wednesday, January 8, 2020

And Hello to 2020!

And hello to 2020, what a great year it is going to be!  I will spare you the social media trend of showing you pictures of me from 2000, 2010, and 2020. However, I do want to share with you some of what I have been thinking about these last few weeks.

I tend to like January. It has that fresh, new, sparkly feel to it that makes me what to sing a bit.  It is an opportunity to put some things that distract me aside and focus on what I really need to do to accomplish established goals. I am not necessarily talking about "resolutions."  Putting aside distractions is really taking a moment or two to identify what holds one back from taking that next step that will lead to a greater outcome.  I want to focus some of my energy this year on letting go of things that are perhaps unnecessary and interfere with my ability to connect and focus on that which is most important at home and at work.

As educators, we are continually in the process of shaping and developing young people's hearts and minds. This is essential work, and our relationships need to be authentic. I want to spend more of my time focused on connecting with people (students, staff, & community) because people matter and are important. It is part of the work that makes a difference.

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...