Monday, July 13, 2020

Learning and Growing Together as System

Professional Learning is a highly valued aspect of our work as educators.  We build time into our work schedules and school calendar for this purpose because we know that we will be better teachers and leaders when we take time to reflect and consider how we can improve.   

Planning for professional learning is a process of defining an area of growth that the system is committed to improving and channeling time and funds to ensure staff is trained, resources are provided, and a clear plan for implementation is in place.  

Two more significant areas of focus for the District will be working on the next two years will include using blended learning as a model of instruction to support the implementation of the Return to Learn Plan and developing a stronger school culture, climate, and equitable learning environment. These goals are in full alignment with the TAP instructional framework and the Iowa Teaching Standards.

Implementing these goals requires a substantial amount of time to learn from research, doing the work, and collaborating with peers.  This summer, our teachers are participating in a summer institute on using blended learning as a model of instruction to support the District's Return to Learn Plan.  The staff is learning the technology, working through the curriculum, and developing the online platform.  This is important work as we are moving from a "voluntary continuous learning" to "requiring continuous learning".  Students will be engaging in learning that will occur at school and also online learning.  This is a large undertaking for our staff. They are doing the work and looking forward to seeing the impact on student learning.  


The District has been listening, learning, and growing as a district in how we respond and interact in a diverse learning community. This is causing us to review the District's policies, procedures, practices, programs to consider how we can improve, remove barriers for our students, and be more equitable. The implementation process is much the same. It also takes time, training, dedicated resources, and collaboration to enact.  However, doing this work will help us to be better leaders, teachers, and learners.  

It is all about learning and growing together as a system to provide the best possible learning experiences for our students.

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...