Monday, February 8, 2021

Can We Talk About the Weather?

The weather has shifted, and we are starting to see colder days and far more snow. I would encourage you to talk with your kids about dressing appropriately to the weather conditions. It can get a cold waiting at a bus stop even if it isn't snowing at the time.

It is necessary to adjust the school schedule at times. The following information will help you be prepared and understand the announcements made on School Messenger and or text message.  If you have blocked School Messenger calls, emails, or texts, you will not receive these notices.  Please call the school office if you want to receive them and have not been. The staff will be happy to assist you.

How is the Decision Made?

The decision to delay, close, or dismiss school early is largely dependent on the current weather conditions and what is anticipated to happen in the hours to come.  I prefer to announce the night before to allow families the maximum amount of time to prepare for a schedule change. If a decision is not made the night before, an effort is made to make a decision and announce it around 5:30 AM.  Some find this too early, but we do have staff and students at school as early as 6:00 AM for work assignments and practices.

Weather decisions are frequently made in collaboration with area superintendents, transportation and maintenance directors.  At times it makes sense to make a common decision between districts, but this is not always the case. Weather conditions vary; what is happening in the Shenandoah District may differ from what is happening in a different district.  Ultimately, a decision is made that is believed to be safe and appropriate for the Shenandoah District.

Road conditions are a very important part of the decision that is made.  We check roads using information from the DOT, specific internet sites, driving some roads and routes, and consulting with others in the area. It may be that some roads are better than others and it is not possible to drive every road. We understand, you as a parent/guardian will need to make the ultimate decision about the safety of the conditions and ability to bring your child to school.  Please contact your school office by phone or email to communicate with them about your student’s attendance.

Weather predictions are not always accurate. Advancements with technology have helped us be more accurate, but making weather-related decisions remains our best-informed estimation of what might occur.

What Do the Decisions Mean?

Two Hour Delays are normally called when the anticipated weather conditions or roads will improve with a little more time. This type of decision allows road crews and staff more time to clear roads, parking lots, and sidewalks to make travel easier. It also allows additional time for students, staff, and parents to arrive at school and work safely.

School start times and bus pick-up times will be two hours later than normal. If school normally starts at 8:05 AM, it will start at 10:05 AM when there is a two-hour delay.  A bus that normally picks up at 7:10 AM will pick up at 9:10 AM.

Any school activity, practice, or program that occurs will start two hours late unless it is specifically announced as canceled for the day.

Morning Preschool for Three Year Olds is not held when there is a delayed start to the day. There will be afternoon Preschool.

Mid-day Early Dismissals are understandably difficult for families and caregivers, but they are necessary at times.  This type of dismissal occurs when the weather is rapidly changing.  Dismissing early is important to allow students and staff to arrive home before the weather becomes more serious or transportation is not possible. When mid-day early dismissal occurs related to weather, there will be no school activities, practices, or events.  It may also occur when there is a serious problem with the facility or safety concern that must be addressed. 

Hard Surface Routes Only is announced when gravel road conditions make it difficult for a bus to pass through. 

If school is closed for the day, there will be no school activities, practices, or events.  This is due to several factors.  School is closed if the weather is anticipated to be severe, which normally means that travel is not advised. It also might be because there are conditions in the building or on the grounds that need to be addressed, such as roof conditions, heating problems, and clearing entryways before we allow people on campus.  If there is a significant change in the weather, a home event or a state-level contest, or an unusual circumstance, a different announcement may be made. 

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...