Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Great American Education System

American Education Week is celebrated the third week of November each year. It is a tradition that recognizes the powerful effect of public education, the teachers and support staff that dedicate their talents and time, and student learning. I am a strong supporter of public education; I recognize the importance of providing all students with an opportunity to learn, grow and maximize their potential to be successful in society. It is why I have chosen my profession and am passionate about working with educators.

My passion for education stems from the understanding that learning isn't always an easy process or necessarily a given; it requires effort and is sometimes a struggle. This is why students are taught to ask questions, formulate their opinions, and validate their thinking. They are also encouraged to apply their learning in new and different situations.

Watching a dynamic educator set the stage for students to engage in learning is powerful. When students are engaged and can see the value and relevancy of their work, their motivation level is high, and they are more persistent and eager to accept challenges. At times students need clarification, direction, and feedback about their learning. And yes, sometimes they need the opportunity to “redo” and try again. It is how they refine their work, improve their product, and determine how to embrace new challenges. Teachers are quite masterful at creating this type of environment and instilling the desire for students to become lifelong learners.

I am being too philosophical for a Wednesday afternoon. Still, it is good to take time to reflect and think about the impact we make as public educators and the influence we have on student learning. It also prompts me to publicly thank all of our staff who dedicate themselves to our students and being part of the great American Education system.  

School Board Approves Key Initiatives to Enhance Student Support and Equal Opportunities

As we continue to strive for excellence in our school district, it is important to provide updates a bout approvals that will positively ...