Thursday, January 30, 2020

Good things!

Saturday morning, I had the opportunity to attend a legislative coffee with Senator Costello and Representative Dolecheck. I always appreciate hearing from them and engaging in a bit of conversation about legislative issues. Of course, I take great interest in hearing them discuss topics related to public education and school finance. School finance is tight, and additional funding is needed. Representative Dolecheck was quick to verbally support the need for additional funds, and the HSB 587 was filed that sets SSA at 2.5%. This is a very good start, and the funds will be put to good use. The question remains, is 2.5% SSA enough to support Iowa schools? It is a question we need to wrestle with and find answers to as a State. It isn't an easy conversation.

It was exciting to have one of our teachers, Sarah F. Martin, receive the Golden Owl Award on Monday.  She received a cash award of $500 from NationWide and United Group Insurance.  She is now eligible to compete as Iowa's Agriculture Educator of the Year in April of 2020.  Mrs. Martin represents our district well, and we appreciate all she does for our students.

It seems much of my time has been spent planning with CA Nelson and DLR for the renovation work we are starting.  It is exciting to see things begin to come together and learn what the impact on staff might be.  I have asked different people for feedback about the samples we have looked at together.  It was a lot of fun to see their reaction and talk with them about some of the changes. Their insight has been helpful, and the smiles have been rather delightful.

Exciting News for the Shenandoah Community School District

At tonight’s meeting, the Board accepted a restructuring plan that included several recommendation s that I am excited to share with you n...